Brands, and in particular luxury brands with their high brand equity, ought to have a clear understanding of what social media could do for them, and develop a clear strategy of how they could enhance customers’ experience and perceptions of their brands (Thomas 2011). For instance, Louis Vuitton is the top luxury brand which take advantages from social media marketing in large part. Louis Vuitton’s Facebook page now has more than 9 millions fans and its Twitter’s account recorded more than 5,400,000 followers.
All the show videos and products images were immediately posted on Facebook for fans. These social media strategies helped Louis Vuitton to rejuvenate the brand and reposit it as a more fashionable one than ever. Louis Vuitton could attract more consumers with using these digital methods, especially increase its appeal to younger and web-savvier consumers. Beside, Louis Vuitton also does the support with the competitions or the charities to propagandize its brand.
Louis Vuitton’s social media performance could definitely be improved through the interaction between the public and the media vehicles. It will be with time, as social media will help it to run the business differently(Jin, 2012). Social media seem to play a key role in Louis Vuitton’s success. However, It can be balanced of the relationship among consumers’ perceptions of value-expressive and social-adjustive functions of the luxury brands? It needed to be explored on the next step.
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